Orycoze Vs Tapioca Syrup: the importance of locally available organic ingredients

Tapioca Syrup

Orycoze Vs Tapioca Syrup

tapioca syrupOrycoze syrup, a locally available syrup can be used interchangeably with tapioca syrup that is made by importing its ingredients. Both these syrups are used alternatively due to having the same clear color, thick texture as well as honey-like buttery flavor.


Added to this they are used for the same purposes thus being almost the same other than the fact that they are obtained from different places and are derived from different ingredients. Orycoze is extracted from rice flour while tapioca syrup is derived from tapioca starch which is made by washing, shredding, and dehydrating the cassava roots.

This article will go into the details of the impact of locally and internationally obtained ingredients on the final product which are orycoze syrup and tapioca syrup. The impact of locally available ingredients

Orycoze rice syrup

Orycoze syrup is made from locally available ingredients. The rice grows at a little distance from the factory through which rice flour is made. This rice flour is used to make orycoze rice syrup. Less expensive: the availability of rice is not difficult and due to its local availability, orycoze syrup is relatively less expensive. This will result in the end product also being much cheaper. Trusted supply chain: as rice flour is local its supply chain can easily be navigated.

tapioca syrup

Due to this, the supply chain can be trusted as well. Added to this, as mentioned above, the rice for the rice flour is grown at a short distance thus resulting in a highly trusted supply chain. This also achieves the high demand of customers for transparency in their food. The impact of internationally obtained ingredients. Unlike orycoze syrup, tapioca syrup can not be made from a hundred percent local ingredients. To make tapioca syrup, tapioca starch has to be imported. Obtaining tapioca starch internationally results in some negative impacts.

Expensive: it is no mystery that anything obtained internationally will automatically become expensive. The same is the case with tapioca syrup. Due to it being expensive the end product, for example, snack bars can be relatively expensive.

The supply chain can not be trusted: it is naturally not possible to know all the supply chains of internationally obtained products. Some tapioca syrup suppliers are also selling fake tapioca syrup at cheaper prices. Thus it is better to consume products that have a trusted supply chain.

Unable to meet customer demands: customers demand complete transparency in the food they are going to consume. This means they would want to know the exact source of tapioca starch. If they are not able to navigate it they will move towards other better options.

Rice flour Vs Tapioca starch

It is by now well established that rice flour is obtained locally from rice at a short distance from our factory. While on the other hand tapioca starch is obtained internationally.

Apart from the negative impact on the end product in terms of its price and consumer trends, rice syrup extracted from rice flour is much healthier than tapioca syrup extracted from tapioca starch. This is because tapioca starch is already processed thus creating a highly processed product. While rice flour is not processed thus creating a much healthier product.

Final words

Although tapioca syrup is a great syrup as it is also hypoallergenic and has similar properties to rice syrup, it also has some negative factors. Due to tapioca starch not being available locally results in impacts the final product as well as consumer trends negatively. Thus, when it comes to both these factors, Orycoze syrup remains the most suitable option.

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